Instructions for authors
Oral communications
Authors will have 30 minutes for keynotes and 20 minutes for other presentations
The times indicated include the presentation and questions
Presentations should be in widescreen format (16:9) if possible
Prepare your poster with the following dimensions :
- A0 format: 118,90 cm (46,81 in.) height and 84,10 cm width (33,11 in.)
- Portrait layout -
Materials to fix your poster will be provided on site
The congress is not responsible for poster materials left after the end of the conference. Posters remaining on the poster board will be removed and discarded
In order to highlight your posters, we suggest that you give an oral presentation in a maximum of one minute at the end of the session corresponding to your subject.
The aim is not to present the poster in its entirety (which will be displayed elsewhere) but to give a short presentation of the theme, the objectives, the most striking result, in order to attract the audience's attention. The aim is to arouse curiosity of the audience to encourage them to come and discover your work presented in greater detail in your poster !
There will be no questions at the end of your poster presentation. Flash presentations will be given one after the other.
A model slide will be sent to the authors.